All the articles I've posted.
15 React Native libraries you should use in 2021
Posted on:May 10, 202115 React Native libraries you should use in 2021
How to learn TypeScript for react developers
Posted on:December 20, 2020I will share my way of learning typescript for react developers.
How to structure a react-native project
Posted on:November 17, 2020I will share an easy, clean, and scalable project structure ready to use for your next React Native project.
Authentication in React Native, Easy, Secure, and Reusable solution 💪.
Posted on:August 25, 2020We aim to build a generic solution that handles most of the authentication use cases and easy to copy-paste in your next project.
Handling Errors in React Native: A Complete Guide
Posted on:May 6, 2020This article will guide you through some techniques and tools to catch these unhandled exceptions, perform tasks to provide the best experience for users, and report these errors to make sure you are going to fix them on the next release.
17 React Native libraries you should use in 2020
Posted on:April 27, 2020In this article, I will try to collect the best dependencies and libraries I use on almost every react native project I worked on and I think you should give a try.
Spotify Login Animation With React Navigation V5
Posted on:April 12, 2020Implementing Spotify Login Animation With React Navigation V5
GraphQL: Front-End Superpower
Posted on:April 4, 2020GraphQL is a query language for API and runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. In simple words, GraphQL is a syntax or a specification that describes how to request your data.
Forms in React Native, The right way
Posted on:March 27, 2020This article is a step-by-step tutorial to create a generic form component that can be used whenever you need to deal with forms.
GatsbyJs Showcase: Contributors List For Open source Project
Posted on:March 11, 2020This article is a GatsbyJs showcase on how we can add a contributors list to any community project website.